FAO Caseworkers & Social Workers Assisting Refugees and Asylum Seekers Apply for a caseworker account here . To offer a spare room in your home, register here . For more information about this pioneering scheme go to www.roomforrefugees.com or http://www.paih.org/host-a-refugee/ Hello there, If you work with refugees and asylum seekers you may wish to know about Positive Action in Housing's fast, online referral system for caseworkers wishing to assist destitute refugees, asylum seekers and those with No Recourse to Public Funds who are at risk of destitution or insecure housing and need assistance to rebuild their lives. Room for Refugees was pioneered in 2002 in Scotland. It runs Scotland and UK wide as an online system (REFER) to connect destitute refugees and asylum seekers with potential hosts with homes in almost every location you can imagine. REFER helps caseworkers make fast, safe referrals for a spare room or property. Key facts: -
In 2017-18, we provided over 45,000 nights of shelter to hundreds of children, women and men in need of respite from destitution while they try to resolve their legal or housing situation. -
Over 7,000 Scottish and UK households are registered on our online system (REFER) and have expressed a keen-ness to contribute positively in the current refugee crisis. -
At any one time, we shelter between 70 and 100 families, individuals or unaccompanied asylum seeking children in the homes of our hosts. Currently, over 400 front-line workers, managers and social workers from the British Red Cross, Refugee Council, Crisis, Freedom from Torture, local authorities and hundreds of other refugee and homelessness organisations are registered with the REFER system. The outcomes have been highly positive, with guests going onto to win refugee status, leave to remain, study, work or be reunited with family members from abroad. By providing a safe place to stay, caseworkers can then focus on helping their client's to resolve their legal or housing situation. This significant humanitarian resource can potentially make a life changing impact on: - those affected by the Syrian refugee crisis
- unaccompanied child refugees in the UK and Europe
- refugees and asylum seekers who are already in the UK and at risk of destitution anywhere in the UK
- long term destitute refugees and asylum seekers
We provide a simple, online form, with excellent reporting facilities so you can track your client's' progress. You can refer previous clients again for hosting, perhaps towards the end of a stay or if they need to move to a new area. We also provide a list containing all the clients you have referred in the past, so you can see the progress and outcome of previous and ongoing cases and the number of nights of shelter provided. Each caseworker in your organisation who needs to refer clients will get an individual account and log in, saving them from repeatedly entering their own information for each referral and letting them focus on helping their client to resolve their crisis situation and long term situation. Apply for a caseworker account here . To offer a spare room in your home, register here . For more information about this groundbreaking scheme go to www.roomforrefugees.com or http://www.paih.org/host-a-refugee/ For more information please feel free to drop us a line at this email address. Positive Action in Housing | Working together to rebuild lives A registered Scottish charity SC027577 A company limited by guarantee 158867 T: 0044 141 353 2220 F: 0044 141 353 3882 www.PositiveActionH.org www.roomforrefugees.com Facebook: PositiveActionH Twitter: @PositiveActionH Give an online regular or single donation just click here. Donate from as little as £5 a month |