Winter Refugee Crisis Appeal 2018 Help us reach £10,000 | | | November 2018 Hello, Positive Action in Housing's 2018 Winter Emergency Appeal is raising funds to directly support destitute refugees and asylum seekers and their families. This appeal will provide emergency crisis support to vulnerable refugees and asylum seeking families, children, pregnant women, the elderly and sick through winter; so please give whatever amount you can afford. Your donation will assist those who have fled war and persecution in their own countries, leaving behind loved ones, friends and everything they know. They have risked their lives to find safety here. Unfortunately, thousands of would be refugees are being "fast tracked" into destitution. | | Positive Action in Housing works to provide a breathing space so that individuals and families can begin to work out their options with the support of their lawyer, caseworker and other support network. Our Lifeline Service provides advice, information, shelter and crisis support to destitute refugees and asylum seekers. Refused refugees have no right to housing, jobs or state support. New refugees are routinely left destitute despite being entitled to support. As well as humanitarian aid, we proactively help people to resolve a crisis and rebuild their lives. In 2017/18, Positive Action in Housing provided casework, representation and emergency assistance to 1,400 destitute refugees and asylum seeker families, children, women and men who were on the brink of destitution. We provided over 45,000 nights of emergency shelter (through our volunteer hosts) and have arranged over 500 hostings since 2015 in the homes of volunteer hosts in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London, and elsewhere. We distributed over £61,000 in crisis payments to destitute people from mainly Syria, Eritrea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine and Yemen.Our approach has produced life transforming outcomes for people who felt they had no hope left. At Christmas time each year, Positive Action in Housing runs a winter surgery. We expect to see around 300 service users plus their dependents from Syria, Eritrea, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and many other countries of origin. We are directly reaching our most vulnerable service users, unaccompanied children, families, pregnant woman, the elderly and sick, and lone individuals living in poverty and long term destitution. Small crisis grants will be distributed, along with bus tokens, food cards and hygiene packs. Children will also receive books, art and selection boxes. We expect a much greater demand from the elderly, pregnant women, families and the sick. With your help we can do more. We need you to stand up for refugees. Any donation you give, no matter how small, is appreciated. Every penny goes towards providing emergency relief for destitute refugees and asylum seekers and their families. For more info: email Donate online now at BTMydonate, and add gift aid. Post a cheque made payable to Positive action in Housing (Winter Appeal) to Winter Appeal, Positive Action in Housing, 98 West George Street Glasgow G2 1PJ. For other ways to give, go here. If your a company or small business wishing to give a donation and require an invoice, please email Thank you for your support. From all at Positive Action in Housing | Working together to rebuild lives Scottish Registered Charity SC027577 | | | | |